Saturday, September 21, 2013

All Things Not Considered by Naomi Shihab Nye (first exploratory drafts and note)

This poem is based on true incident which happens in year 2000 in Palestine. It can be seen from the name that is written in this poem, Asel Asleh and Mohammed al-Durra. The first couplet says how a dead body cannot be revive back to life. The next couplet mentions how a pair of siblings were happily playing when the bombing and attack on their land happened. Next is 'In what language is this holy?' is maybe a question why people didn't understand the meaning of holy. Holy should be something that is pure.

From line 7 to 13, the poet tried to argue how the difference between death that happened to Jewish boys and Asel Asleh, a Palestinian boy. The Jewish boys died when they were having adventure while skipping school. This can show that the Jewish boys maybe died in an accident while having fun. Meanwhile, Asel Asleh died when he tried to help someone before he was shot. There's a big diffrence between their deaths. The Jewish boys died in an accident maybe, but Asel Asleh died in a war. In the line 'If this is holy, could we have some new religions please?', the poet tried to say how they wanted a new religion that doesn't cause them suffer from the war that has been going on for a long time.

From line 16 to 20, we can see that Mohammed al-Durra name is mention in here. He was only 12 years old at that time. He and his father tried to escape from chaotic incident when he finally was shot and died at his father's leg. The incident was filmed on the spot and it was shown to the whole world. Next is about a 4 months old girl died and how her father curse the world for making them suffers from losing their family members. These show that war killing will not spare anyone. Even kids becomes the victim of war.

Line 21 until 27, the poet tried to say how people can say anything about the war without caring the feeling of the person who experienced it. People who only watching from the sidelines cannot understand the pain of the person who experienced it.

In line 28 to 45, the poet mentioned how it will be advantageous for the people who narrates the war to happen if the people agree that everything is not right. Throughout the times, they had to suffer from war because of mistakes that they made. People had to use all means of things to fight in order save themselves. Children and adults just pick everything that can be use as weapon such as guns and stones. While this people are suffering and cannot learn at school, others can live in peace and continue their learning education.

In line 46 until 54, the people are hoping for peace. They hope that they can live in peace together not caring if its Palestine or Jewish. They have seen and experience the dark times so they were hoping for peace to come. 'Are people the only holy land?' may indicate that people are the ones who thinks that that they are right and these kinds of suffering happens because of people itself.

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