Thursday, December 6, 2012

feelings... so complicated.....

have u ever felt like being ignored by ur frens..
they do many things w/o u..
whatever they did, they rarely tell u or ask u to join..
i've felt like this many times and it hurts...
i don't mind if u want to enjoy with your other frens, but when i've been ignored for so many times, it really left wound in the heart...
although despite all of this, u're really a kind person...
i'm glad that i did know u b4...
however the time that i really felt happy was when i'm with frens i've known in f6 n in universities...
girls, thanks for being with me all the time...
although we can't always share things together, but memories with u guys really makes me happy...
the time i've spent with u guys i'll always remember them...

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